Love Parade '99

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aut_1580.jpg Our jungle adventure - the best way to get forward was to go through the bushes on the side.
aut_1581.jpg An intimate feeling, eh? Being packed like this wasn't fun anymore, so we decided to rest for a while in the park.
aut_1583.jpg Weren't alone there, either.
aut_1585.jpg Esa, me, Jani and Tero, Atte was taking the picture. He decided to stay, we left to look for the Fuck Parade, aimed to offer an alternative to the nowadays so commercial Love Parade.
aut_1587.jpg Perhaps the best day in the summer to sell sunflowers.
aut_1590.jpg We didn't find the Fuck Parade (we knew only where it had started), so decided to come back to Love Parade. This used to be the border between East and West - now there's little difference.
aut_1591.jpg We met some other Finns that weren't part of the Entropy group.
aut_1593.jpg This tank was a part of a monument to celebrate Berlin's liberation after the second world war - a gift from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. There is irony in the world...
aut_1594.jpg Wanna get on TV! These guys were from Tampere.
aut_1597.jpg The police seemed happy too, some were even dancing.
aut_1600.jpg We spotted some beautiful dancers on top of a truck.
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Copyright Arto Teräs <> 1999.
Redistribution of this document as a whole or any of the pictures individually is permitted in any medium as long as this copyright notice is preserved.

Last update 26.7.1999.