Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 04:06:31 +0200 (EET)
From: Arto Teras <>
To: (several recipients)
Subject: AJT Travel News: Merry Christmas

Finnish summary:


Tämä lista on elänyt viimeisen puoli vuotta hiljaiseloa - osin siksi että palattuani Ranskasta kerrottavaa ei ole ollut aivan entiseen tapaan, mutta osin myös siksi että opiskelun ja kaiken muun tiimellyksessä kirjoittaminen on aina siirtynyt myöhemmäksi.

Vaihtovuosi Ranskassa on nyt kuitenkin onnellisesti päätöksessä myös siltä osin, että kurssit on hyväksytetty suomalaiseen tutkintooni. Www-sivuja rakentelin vähitellen ja nyt ne ovat luultavasti melko lailla lopullisessa asussaan:

Kesän olin töissä Fysiikan tutkimuslaitoksella tällä kertaa Suomessa, mutta käväisin pikaisesti heinäkuussa CERNissä ja Bordeaux:ssa Ranskassa. Paras reissu oli kuitenkin viikon pyöräretki Ahvenanmaalle. Nyt sain kuvat viimein verkkoon, valkoisen joulun vastapainoksi tarjolla siis kesäisiä maisemia. :-)

Rauhallista mutta iloista joulua ja hyvää uutta vuotta kaikille!



First a small explanation to those who are new to this list. When I began my exchange year 2000-2001 at INSA, Lyon I took a habit of writing about my travel experiences once a month. I plan to continue the tradition if not regularly then at least occasionally.

This list has been quiet for the last seven months or so. It is partly due to not having as much to write about after returning from France but mainly because my studies and other activities have eaten the time from writing.

Now I can happily announce that my exchange year experience has come to a happy ending: I have had all the courses accepted as a part of my upcoming Finnish diploma. It was a great year and the memories will live. I updated my web pages little by little when I had time, now they are probably more or less final:

The summer I spent mostly working for the Helsinki Institute of Physics. I had been in the group for two summers already at CERN, Switzerland, but this time I was located in Helsinki, Finland. However, when they wanted me to come to CERN for a week in July I didn't have any difficulties saying yes. :-) I even succeeded in combining the trip with a visit in Bordeaux, France at LSM, a free software developers' meeting. I wrote a report on that too if you're interested:

When the fall semester began I got immediately quite busy with my studies. I've made a study plan aiming for finishing the courses by the end of the spring term 2002, then I'll still need to write my Master's thesis to graduate. I continue to work on the side but just one day per week. Up to now it has been going fine and I've had time for my optional japanese studies and some other hobbies too.

My best trip of the summer was a six day long excursion to Åland, the biggest archipelago in Europe. I had been there twice before but just on very short trips on the main island. This time I took my bike, a tent and other necessary gear and headed to the small islands with Sami, a friend of mine.

Right now it is snowing outside and the temperature is around minus ten degrees Celsius. We'll have a white Christmas in the whole country. As a contrast I'll offer you a selection of pictures full of summer and sunshine. :-)

Have a peaceful but happy Christmas and a great year 2002!


P.S. Joyeux noël en français aussi! Ce liste est en anglais pour la plupart mais bien sûr vous pouvez m'écrire également en français.

Arto Teräs <> - last update 21.10.2002.