Fingers on the keyboard
Text - an art form and one of the most useful tools in the world at the same time. Nowadays I mostly write in my blog and on forums in the Internet. Below is a partial list of articles I've written in the past. Most of them are available only in Finnish.
Scientific publications
- Kere, P., Lento, J., Lyly, M., and Teräs, A., "A Structural Design Optimization System Exploiting Distributed Grid Resources", In Proc. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Newport, RI, USA, 1-4 May, 2006. Paper AIAA-2006-1626.
- A Teras, K. Muramoto, H. Aoyama, M. Tamura, T. Koike, H. Fujii, T. Pfaff, "Database of Snowfall for Analyzing Vertical Structure of Cloud", Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, session TAII-2-6, pp.1878-1883, 2003. (pdf)
- Arto Teräs, "Database for Ground Based Snowfall Observation", Master's Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004. (pdf)
The following documents written by me are referenced in the thesis or otherwise related to it:
- Wakasa database user's guide
- Wakasa database administrator's guide
- Japanese summary of the project and my life as an exchange student
Articles published in the MikroPC magazine
- Assembly kokosi nuoret harrastajat (9/1997, page A5)
- Salattu yhteys WeBBSiin (8/1998, page 87)
- Assembly kokosi demokansan (12/1998, page 20)
- Ajokorttikoulu (12/1998, page 85)
- Kotisivun tekeminen (13/1998, page 80)
- S.u.S.E. 5.3 (16/1998, page 28)
- Hakutoiminnot tehokäyttöön (17/1998, page 88)
- Www-ohjelmointi (18/1998, page 92)
- WeBBSin strategiset mitat (20/1998, page 83)
- Linux-kaverit kilpasilla (1/1999, page 53)
- Installfest auttoi Linux-untuvikkoja (2/1999, page 11)
- Uudella ytimellä lisäpotkua Linuxiin (4/1999, page 58)
- Torvalds uskoo pelien voimaan (8/1999, page 9)
- CERN korvaa superkoneet Linux-klustereilla / CERN replaces supercomputers by Linux clusters (14/1999, 1.10.1999)
- Nörttien Linux myyntipakettiin (5/2000, page 44, 23.3.2000)
- Puettava elektroniikka nostaa pehmeät arvot esiin (7/2000, page 13, 20.4.2000)
- Näkemyksiä Linuxista (9/2000, page 74, 11.5.2000)
- Vapaa koodi nopeuttaa kehitystä / Free code speeds up development (11/2000, page 14, 10.8.2000)
- Tukipalvelut avainsana Pariisin Linux Expossa (3/2001, page 18, 22.2.2001)
- Yrityksiä kaatuu, mutta koodi säilyy / Companies fall but the code stays (12/2001, page 19, 23.8.2001)
- Vaihtoehtoinen bittijuhla (2/2002, page 22, 7.2.2002)
- Linuxista suuryritysten kilpakenttä (8/2003, page 18)
MikroPC used to be the largest IT magazine in Finland with a circulation of over 50.000. It was merged in 2015 with Mikrobitti. Please contact me if you'd like to have a copy of any of the articles listed above.
The textual content of all my articles published in MikroPC can be freely redistributed (see license at the bottom of the page), but some of the illustrations and the layout are not mine.
Articles related to the Finnish Linux User Group and Free Software meetings
Moved to my GNU/Linux and Free Software page.

Copyright Arto Teräs <>, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. (Unless otherwise mentioned in individual photos or other content.)
Last update 2016-07-02.