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Cooking on the campfire
Posted: 2006-12-14 15:05:07, Categories: Travel, Turkey, 335 words (permalink)
When approaching Istanbul we started making campfires more often than
earlier during the trip. In many places forest was being cut and
tractors were transporting small logs away so there were also usually
plenty of loose pieces of wood available. The fire not only provided a
welcome source of heat during chilly nights, it also gave better
opportunities for cooking than the usual small pot on top of a gas
cooker. It became dark already around five o'clock so we had plenty of
time during the evenings.
By the Black Sea coast in Kiyiköy we bought two kilos of small fish, cooked half of it while staying in a pension which had a kitchen, and saved the rest for the following night. At our camp we covered the fish with a flour and spice mix and slowly grilled them on a grill which Emile prepared with wooden sticks. Although you cannot see it in the picture, there are also hot charcoals under the fish. Complemented with potatoes baked in the ashes, butter, salty cheese and fresh vegetables it made a delicious meal. That's how we celebrated the Finnish independence day, by the way.
Emile also showed us how to make pizza and quiche lorraine (a french pie) outdoors. The pizza we prepared on a heated stone while for the quiche lorraine we found an abandoned metal grill at a picnic site and used that.
Our staple food on the trip has been rice, which is easy to prepare on the gas cooker and make tasty with spices, fresh vegetables and occasionally some meat. Pasta is even faster to cook, but rice is more filling for the same amount of food. In the mornings we usually eat bread, cheese and yogurt (adding mysli, jam or whatever we happen to have available to the mix) and drink tea. Of course we also go to local restaurants to taste what each country has to offer. At least for me, that's an important part of the travel experience.
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