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Arto's Blog

Quest for a balance between work and free time

Posted: 2007-10-31 18:38:03, Categories: General, Work, 627 words (permalink)
I have a job again. My employer is CSC, the same where I worked before my year on the road. The contents of my work is also similar to what it used to be. However, there is one important difference: my contract is for 80 hours per month. In other words,… more »

Meet me at Facebook

Posted: 2007-10-29 01:05:09, Categories: General, 103 words (permalink)
Except for hospitality exchange, I haven't been very active in the social networking websites on the net. However, I recently decided to join Facebook. I was curious about the popularity and appreciated the fact that people join it using their own name… more »

Living library at the Helsinki book fair

Posted: 2007-10-27 14:32:04, Categories: General, Helsinki, 275 words (permalink)
Yesterday I went to the Helsinki book fair and tried the Living library (in Finnish, info in English). It's a wonderful idea, originating from Denmark: you borrow a "book" like you would in a library, only that in the living library the "book" is a… more »

Creative Commons License
Copyright Arto Teräs <ajt@iki.fi>, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
(Unless otherwise mentioned in individual photos or other content.)