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Living library at the Helsinki book fair

Posted: 2007-10-27 14:32:04, Categories: General, Helsinki, 275 words (permalink)

Yesterday I went to the Helsinki book fair and tried the Living library (in Finnish, info in English). It's a wonderful idea, originating from Denmark: you borrow a "book" like you would in a library, only that in the living library the "book" is a person with whom you can then chat for a while. The people are representing various groups towards which there's a lot of prejudice in the society.

At the book fair the living library was organized by Seta ry, an organization promoting sexual equality and Finnish Youth Co-Operation Allianssi. One could borrow for example a gay, lesbian or a bisexual, a father or mother living with his gay/lesbian partner and kids, a house squatter, a nerd, a witch, a laestadian, a muslim, an environmental activist or a young right-wing party member. The sheets presenting the "books" listed various common assumptions about people belonging to the groups in question, and it was up to the reader to find out whether the "book" he/she borrowed represented those assumptions or not.

I think the living library is a brilliant way to promote equality, fight racism and bring out fresh ideas. It's a much lower step to chat with a lesbian in the living library than to go in a bar frequented by lesbians and talk to someone there. Similarly, a well-doing businessman might never dare to visit a squatted house but might still want to hear what a squatter thinks.

The book fair is still going on this Saturday and Sunday, but in case you miss it I'm sure there will be more opportunities to borrow a living book in the future.


Terve Arto! Eräs meillä täällä Hollannissa juuri käynyt vieras (Jari M. CSC:ltä) kertoi, että olet reissannut vuoden fillarilla Euroopassa ja Aasiassa - hieno homma! Menenpä nyt lukemaan reissublogiasi.. kiinnostaa kovasti itseäkin tuollainen pidemmän ajan matka. Ja jotta ei aivan offtopicissa oltaisi, mielenkiintoinen juttu tuo elävä kirjasto. Täytyy sanoa, että kaipaan Helsingin messuja ja festareita; kirjamessuja, R&A-elokuvafestareita, sarjisfestareita, Ropeconia jne. Helsingissä loppujenlopuksi tapahtuu paljon.
2007-10-28 @ 19:48
Comment from:

Jep, Helsingissä tapahtuu, erityisesti ottaen huomioon “vain” noin miljoona asukasta (koko pääkaupunkiseutu huomioiden) ja maailman mittakaavassa syrjäinen sijainti. Olin minä asian jo aiemminkin pannut merkille, mutta nyt reissun jälkeen sen on taas huomannut, varsinkin kun ollut aikaa osallistua enemmän kuin koskaan ennen.

2007-10-29 @ 00:02

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