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Arto's Blog

We descended from the Alps to Longarone, a small town near Belluno, in North-Eastern Italy. The high peaks of the Dolomites gave way to lower, grass-covered mountains, then hills, and finally to the flatlands of the Veneto region. The route followed… more »

On the München-Venedig trail, part 2: The Dolomites

Posted: 2010-09-27 17:40:34, Categories: Travel, Italy, Hiking, 636 words (permalink)
The Dolomites looked quite different from the German and Austrian Alps. The rocks had sharper shapes, slopes were steeper and overall there was much less vegetation. Different layers of stone and rock often had their own colors — "European Arizona" as… more »

On the München-Venedig trail, part 1: The Austrian Alps

Posted: 2010-09-27 17:39:21, Categories: Travel, Austria, Italy, Hiking, 621 words (permalink)
One of Sandra's dreams was to go for a long walk one day. Like her, I had been on many short hiking trips, lasting up to one week, but never longer than that. So we decided to spend four weeks of our summer holiday by walking over the Alps. Our route… more »

Blog software upgraded

Posted: 2010-09-24 12:11:58, Categories: General, 54 words (permalink)
My website was moved to a new server this week and at the same time the blog software was upgraded to the latest stable version. After a few initial problems everything should work more or less as before. However, if you notice that something is broken… more »

Creative Commons License
Copyright Arto Teräs <ajt@iki.fi>, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
(Unless otherwise mentioned in individual photos or other content.)