Arto's Blog
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Good bye bicycles, we'll go sailing!
Posted: 2015-02-27 19:31:00, Categories: Travel, Hospitality exchange, Hitchhiking, Chile, Argentina, 715 words (permalink)
In El Chalten, Argentina we stayed at a kind of cyclists' camp.
It was a small house at the edge of the town belonging to Florencia, a
local woman who welcomed all touring cyclists to camp in her garden
against a voluntary donation to cover electricity, gas and water
costs. As it was high season, the place was packed with guests.
Sharing one bathroom with more than twenty others required some
patience, but it was a great place to meet other cyclists on shorter
and longer tours, most travelling south but some north as well.
Our time was slowly running out so we asked Florencia if she'd know
someone who would be interested in buying our bicycles. It didn't take
long before a friend of her appeared and was interested in mine. We
said that we'd like to sell both at the same time, the word passed
around and soon came another man who was looking for a bike for his girlfriend. We
asked for a reasonable price and both bikes were sold. Next day,
before the new owners came to pay and collect the bikes, we would have
even had a second buyer for both. We learned that it is difficult in
Argentina to get quality bikes and the prices are higher than in
Europe. There was more interest than we had expected and we ended up
even selling two of our panniers and one of the front bags. A big
change in our trip and faster than we had thought! However, we had
known that we would have to get rid of the bikes sooner or later and
had bought them second hand specially for this tour. After selling
them, we felt slighly sad but relieved that there was one thing less
to think about.
Our next goal was to arrive in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in
Argentina about 1000 kilometers further south mostly through the treeless
pampa. In between we had to still pick up a package containing some
winter clothes from Puerto Natales in Chile. It would have been
possible to travel by bus, but we had still over a week of time and
decided to try hitchhiking. When travelling on the Carretera Austral,
we had often seen hitchhikers by the roadside and without bicycles it
was now easier for us too.
The way of the thumb worked well. Every time nice people picked us up, we got to practise our Spanish and enjoyed a lot of mate tea as almost in every car the traditional cup of mate was passing around between the passengers. We made our way to Puerto Natales in one day, probably faster than it would have been by bus. There we stayed a couple of days with a CouchSurfing family before continuing forwards. To get out of Puerto Natales was a bit more difficult, but after a couple of hours waiting and walking we got a ride near Punta Arenas, where we camped by the seaside. Next day, the first car picked us up and we only had to change once for a ride directly to Ushuaia. Not only did we get there in time but had also local contacts in the city to spend some time with, perfect. Through a recommendation of another traveller we met in Puerto Natales, we also found a very friendly family from which we rented a room for our last few days in Argentina.
Soon after posting this, our next big adventure will begin. Tonight we
will board the sailing ship Bark Europa for a 52 day sailing journey
to Antarctica, South Georgia, Tristan da Cunha and South Africa.
During that time we won't be able to post anything in the blog nor
read our emails, and naturally our mobile phones won't work either on
the seas. For me, it'll be the longest time without Internet since I
started using it 20 years ago. Probably hard, but I'm sure I will
survive. :-) It is however possible to follow the progress of the
journey via Internet on the Bark
Europa homepage. The position of the ship will be regularly updated on the world
map and occasionally also logbook entries will be transmitted on the
site via a satellite connection. We will write next time in about two
months after we've arrived in South Africa.
We bought our bicycles in Germany already a few weeks before our departure. That way we had plenty of time to prepare them for touring, and do a weekend trip to test them before our long tour.
Buying the bikes in Santiago would have been another alternative. I checked the second hand market online (for example, go to and search for “Trek” which is a popular brand in Chile) and found several which would have been okay as a base. However, we would have still needed to buy racks, drinking bottle holders, perhaps some parts to replace worn out ones and to adjust the bikes for us. In summary: it would have been possible but would have needed extra time in Santiago.
Selling the bicycles in El Chalten was surprisingly easy. It’s a popular area for mountain biking and people appreciate quality bikes. However, trying to sell an expensive touring bike with top of the line equipment might be a different story. We asked 250 USD each for ours (accepting Argentinian pesos for payment), which seemed to be a price locals were willing to pay for a decent bike.

Copyright Arto Teräs <>, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. (Unless otherwise mentioned in individual photos or other content.)